Evangelist or Church Planter (92)

Duration 2+ Years
Region Europe
Country France
Skills / Passion Evangelism & Discipleship
Location Normandy, Bayonne/Biarritz, Strasbourg or Mulhouse
Vision: We want Christ to be known, loved and worshipped by peoples and groups of people in France and throughout the world who still have no access to the Gospel.

You will look to establish evangelistic relationships with French people and/or migrants in order to see churches planted. This should be in relationship with partnership organisations or denominations where possible, and will most likely require the development of a Church Planting team. Focusing on post-moderns, Catholics, M*lims or possibly other predominately urban sections of the population.

French language learning is necessary up to the B2 level. Familiarity with Church planting approaches and evangelism. Experience in planting a church. Show spiritual gifts like hospitality, service-helps, mercy, pastoral, teaching, evangelism, apostolic, or other.

Visa requirements: Carte de séjour (1 year) for non-EU stays over 3 months or non-tourist visas. 225 € But free under certain conditions; see https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2209. Health (& Travel) cover, Social Security Contributions, Obligatory legal status in France for all those staying over 3 months, (including EU citizens). WEC France has to discuss case by case each person, to see which legal status applies and exact figures. It will depend also on their visa situation. Shown here is an over-simplification of the situation in France, for the purpose of rough estimate of living costs. Social security (CAVIMAC} contributions (for single or a couple): 750€/month, includes health cover, & pension or 450€/month if you have alternative health cover from your country. 250€/month if you have a job* in France that pays health and social security. 0€/month if you have a job in France that covers your health, social security and pension. 0€/month for certain short-term visas. (e.g. student & secondment visas). Your job can be part-time depending on hours and pay. Lodging (Rent) - single 300-350€ for a studio flat.

Annual WEC Conference: Long-term members' lodging is paid for out of the WEC France contribution (see above); food 50€/adult. Travel varies depending on where the conference is held. Language study/helpers depend on requirements and region. From September 2021, WEC France is offering French classes online and in person (in Mulhouse).

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.