Stepping into Mission

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Leap Internship

Leap is a missions internship for over 21s, aimed at mentoring young people into cross-cultural ministry.

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This flexible 16 hour per week internship provides opportunities to discover God's leading, and facilitates training, both theoretical and practical, in preparation for long term service.  The length of the internship is ususally 12 months. 

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The Leap internship will help you discover your role in world missions.  You will be discipled in cross-cultural ministry, particularly among unreached peoples, through ongoing feed-back and coaching.  You will have opportunities to practice what you learn, develop skills, discover strengths and build on your weaknesses in the context of cross-cultural ministry.

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Leap Experience


Leap gave me a great opportunity to meet people and hear their stories.  I think this was probably the highlight.  Meeting missionaries from around the world that I would not otherwise have had the opportunity to meet, to sit down with them and have meals together and learn from them.


In hindsight, I can see that I wouldn't have been on the path that I am on now (long term missions) if I hadn't done Leap. It jolted me out of complacency and just giving my every day life into actually looking seriously at what I was doing in the now and what it was that I wanted to do in the future.


Leap was challenging, stretching and doing it definitely grew my faith. I was forced to step out of my comfort zone and develop skills that I had never been asked to use before. I also developed a network of contacts that have been useful in other areas of my life.

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