Volunteer Practical Helper (374)

Duration 3-12 Months
Region Europe
Country Germany
Skills / Passion Hospitality & Residential
WEC Germany's headquarters would welcome a full-time voluntary worker to serve in the kitchen and to do cleaning, maintenance, gardening. The
37.5 hours per week may include occasional weekend duties.

You might also be asked to provide short periods of supervision for children of new missionaries if their parents are taking an orientation training course.
You will be able to participate in daily prayers with headquarters staff covering missionaries around the world in prayer.

You will be provided with orientation to help you settle in the town of Eppstein, and receive mentoring for your personal spiritual
life and advice for future career decisions.

Qualities and gifts sort:
You have German language ability up to A2 certificate level. You are fit and eager to serve. You have practical skills. You are flexible and willing to learn and help wherever needed.
You are a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, and are interested in cross-cultural mission.
You need an EU passport or EU visa. You will share an apartment with other volunteers at the headquarters.

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.