Nurse Tutor (184)

Duration 12-24 Months
Region Africa
Country Gambia
Skills / Passion Medical and Health
Sibanor Clinic in rural Gambia was founded by WEC missionaries just over 50 years ago and is now run by the local church (Evangelical Church of the Gambia).

The Gambian team has a vision to establish a nursing school to train community nurses for the Gambia. The curriculum will follow the Gambian Government recommendations and values of Whole Person Medicine and compassion will be taught. Additionally, it is planned to hold regular optional seminars about the Christian faith and values.

There is an opportunity for someone with experience of teaching nurses to contribute fully or part time to teaching the curriculum.

Essential qualities:
A strong Christian faith
Nurse teaching experience
Ability to work in a multicultural team

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.