Dormitory Support Staff (421)

Duration 3-12 Months
Region Asia
Country Thailand
Skills / Passion Children & Youth
The Lighthouse Dorm was established in 1999 to provide a Christian home primarily for WEC International missionary children, aged 12-18, so they can attend Grace International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Lighthouse can accommodate up to 12 students.
The parents of the students in the Lighthouse live and work as cross-cultural workers in parts of Thailand or in other Asian countries.
The Dorm is run by WEC International appointed Dorm parents (DPs) and the role of the Dormitory Support Staff (DSS) would be to support the DPs in a variety of ways. The DSS position requires a commitment for the duration of the Grace International school year and the period of time students are in residence at the Lighthouse (early August to early June the following year).
The role is suitable for a mature Christian couple, in age and experience, who are practical support for the DPs and can act as the older, listening ear and support for the students. Experience working with teenagers would be a very helpful skill, but is not necessary for the role. As the DSS, you would be comfortable working in a team and are able to be flexible due to the demands of daily life in the Lighthouse.
One of your main responsibilities will be to enable the DPs to have a day off weekly and regular weekends off. This will entail being in the dorm and looking after the supervision and safety of all the students living within the dorm, while seeing to the regular activities and function. You will live off-site from the dorm in your own accommodation and stay in the dorm at times when needed to support the DPs. Apart from the scheduled times of working at the dorm there will be times when you may be suddenly needed to fill in at the dorm or support the DPs. For example, DPs may have to deal with a crisis that comes up and you may need to run the dorm during the crisis.
Long term workers and Short term workers (up to two years) are acceptable.

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.