Evangelist amongst Jewish people (320)

Duration 2+ Years
Region Europe
Country France
Skills / Passion Evangelism & Discipleship
Vision: We want Christ to be known, loved and worshipped by peoples and groups of people in France and throughout the world who still have no access to the Gospel.

Join WEC's team to reach out to the Jewish population in France. France is home to the largest Jewish community in Europe, with many Jewish schools as well as synagogues representing all segments of the Jewish community, from Orthodox to Liberal. Paris is home to around 350,000 Jewish people and Marseilles to 80,000.  An increase in anti-Semitic acts have caused many Jews to flee France to Israel, but many return after a few years, mostly for financial reasons. Jews have very diverse beliefs, some very religious, others practise just the main festivals, are staunch atheists or relate closer to Buddhism or Taoism.  However, most still feel connected to their people and history. There are a few Messianic congregations in France but few Jews attend. Jews often feel uncomfortable in evangelical churches whose religious vocabulary they do not understand – and French Christians often have very little understanding of them. You will enjoy being part of Bible studies and other gatherings in homes or a neutral location, where discipleship can be more relevant and effective.

Anticipate serving for 2 years or more.You need to speak French; if you do not speak French you can learn once here. Some Jews speak good English. You need to have a calling to work with the Jews and have a solid knowledge of the Old Testament, including the Jewish feasts, to know where to link to Jesus from the OT. A prior trip to Israel would be useful. Knowledge of Hebrew would also be useful. You will need sufficient financial and prayer support and access to a visa for France. You will work in a team with Wecers and non-Wecers, so you need to be open to learn from one another.

Accommodation will need to be found when we know you are actually able to come. Most workers live in smallish appartments and in affordable areas.

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.