Church Planter among Khmer speaking Muslims (289)

Duration 2+ Years
Region Asia
Country Cambodia
Skills / Passion Evangelism & Discipleship
There are about 330,000 Muslims in Cambodia, including 17,000 Malays and 250,000 Cham people as well as many others who follow Islam. Come join one WEC team located in a rural area near Kampot, finding many opportunities to share Christ's love for these people who would otherwise not know him. They visit families and welcome visitors at home, sometimes able to attend to basic medical needs. They run an English teaching course for children and adults, and are committed to responding to the seasonal events in the community: tending and picking in their fruit orchards, watch religious gatherings, ferry the sick to hospital, or offer refugee to those suffering abuse or addiction. You might like to take up opportunities for small businesses or development projects like water filtration.
These communities are far from international standards of education or medical services, so be prepared for the challenges of pioneer living conditions. Our team values incarnational ministry, and you will find a fit depending on your abilities or passions.
You have Biblical and cross-cultural training, with some knowledge of Islamic teaching, and are willing to spend considerable time studying the language and the culture.

Thank you for your enquiry to find out more.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.