Susanna Y

Susanna Y

Susanna Yuan

Susanna Yuan

Susanna Yuan is a TCK (Third Culture Kid), she was born in Taiwan and moved to Japan due to her family's work for six years. After completing her primary education and a year of secondary education in Japan, she moved to Taiwan for a year and then to Sydney, Australia. She travelled to Japan for a three-month short-term mission in 2018, it became clear that God was calling her to return to Japan for a long-term mission and she joined WEC in 2020 after completing the Candidate Orientation program.

She moved to Japan in 2022 to assist WEC missionaries in pioneering church planting ministry in Sendai for a year, and to Nara in 2023 to do an internship in a local Japanese church and assist in children's ministry.

As a TCK, her favorited place is the airport where she likes to mingle with people from all around the world. She worked in the airport as a researcher for the Tourism industry for eight years before she became a missionary.

She is hoping to see people from every nation and culture come to worship and love our Lord Jesus.