Doug McD

Doug McD

Doug McDonald

Doug McDonald

Douglas McDonald is preparing to head to the Oceania/Pasifika region in July 2024.

Doug has worked with young people all of his working life, grew up in country Victoria, and served with YFC Melbourne and church ministries, both pastoral and community impact roles. He is presently a Chaplain in schools.

Doug is a gifted minister, effective in cross-cultural ministry, and able to teach, inspire, and equip young leaders. God has opened up a tremendous opportunity with WEC to train, equip, and mobilise a new generation of workers for the harvest, supporting the local indigenous team in Fiji to raise up faith-filled future leaders from ‘everywhere to everywhere’.

While Fiji may seem to Westerners as a tourist place, things are not always as they seem, with world authorities still considering its economic health a certain challenge. God has a unique plan and a purpose for His church to reach their world with His love and truth.

Doug would value your prayers, support and fellowship as he builds a support team and long-term service for Jesus', growing ‘lasting fruit for His Kingdom’ among the unreached communities of Fijian and Indian peoples, a unique context with particular local needs. (John 15:16–17).