Denise R

Denise R

Denise Rhodes

Denise Rhodes

I worked with WEC in West Africa for 11 years, first as a librarian in a school for missionary children and then as a literacy consultant for the church denomination that WEC planted. In that role, I was involved in training and helping the church set up a literacy program.

Now based in Australia, I have various roles, including being part of the WEC Australia Mobilisation and Media Teams. This involves preparing people for mission work, representing WEC at conferences and in churches, following up inquirers and being the Short-Term Coordinator. I edit a monthly newsletter, Relate and help produce a magazine called Imagine.

As part of WEC’s International Short Term Focus Group, I help plan multi-cultural short-term trips in various countries.

I also send out communications on behalf of the Australian Leadership Team, prepare the monthly Prayer Guide and follow up email inquiries.

It gives me joy to see workers being equipped and sent to join our branches whether in a short or long term capacity so that the unreached can hear the good news of Jesus.