Making a Bequest

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A Will is an opportunity to continue to have and impact on the world long after our lifetime.

WEC Australia has been blessed by a number of bequests that have allowed it to continue "to make Christ known, loved and worshipped by the unreached peoples of the world."

When making a bequest, it is possible to nominate how you would like your gift to be used. 

Once you have decided what type of bequest you would like to make, it is important that the correct wording is included in your Will. It is also important for quick and efficient handling of a Will bequest, the initial writing of the Will be subject to the advice of a solicitor or trustee company. 

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A Will is an unique time that you can make a significant gift to an organisation or charity that you support. 


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"Christ is the head of WEC International. We live as his servants and are committed to seek his will in all aspects of life and service."
WEC Core Document

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